How Can You Save the Earth?

Earth Day is celebrated globally on April 22nd each year to raise awareness about environmental issues and promote sustainability.

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The purpose of Earth Day is multifaceted:

  1. Environmental Awareness: Earth Day aims to educate people about environmental issues such as pollution, deforestation, climate change, and biodiversity loss.
  2. Promotion of Sustainability: It encourages individuals, communities, and organizations to adopt sustainable practices that reduce their ecological footprint and protect natural resources for future generations.
  3. Advocacy: Earth Day serves as a platform for advocating for environmental policies, laws, and initiatives that promote conservation and environmental protection.
  4. Community Engagement: It brings people together from diverse backgrounds to participate in activities such as tree planting, clean-up campaigns, educational events, and discussions on environmental topics.
  5. Global Collaboration: Earth Day fosters global cooperation and collaboration among governments, businesses, NGOs, and individuals to address pressing environmental challenges on a worldwide scale.

Overall, Earth Day promotes a sense of responsibility and collective action towards safeguarding the planet and creating a more sustainable and harmonious relationship between humans and nature.

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By partnering with friends, children can make a positive impact on the planet and learn valuable lessons about environmental stewardship.Children can partner with friends in various ways to help save the Earth.

Here are some ideas:

  1. Organize Clean-Up Events: Kids can team up with friends to clean up local parks, beaches, or neighborhoods. They can pick up litter, recycle items, and educate others about the importance of keeping the environment clean.
  2. Start a Garden: Children can create a small garden with friends to grow vegetables, fruits, or native plants. This not only helps the environment by reducing carbon emissions but also promotes healthy eating habits.
  3. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Encourage children to reduce waste by using reusable water bottles, lunch containers, and bags. They can also recycle items like paper, plastic, and glass at home and school.
  4. Conserve Energy: Teach kids to turn off lights, appliances, and electronics when not in use. They can also unplug chargers and use energy-efficient bulbs to save electricity.
  5. Raise Awareness: Children can create posters, videos, or presentations to raise awareness about environmental issues like climate change, pollution, and deforestation. They can share these messages with friends, family, and their community.
  6. Support Conservation Organizations: Kids can participate in fundraisers or volunteer activities with environmental organizations that work to protect wildlife, forests, and oceans.

How can you celebrate Earth Day with your children? Here is a perfect ‘Save the Earth‘ project you can do together.

Visit my store, Elly Elementary, for more resources to help with teaching and learning.

Photo by Ron Lach on

What is Your Favorite Exercise Routine?

Exercise is crucial for maintaining overall physical health and well-being. Regular physical activity helps to strengthen muscles, bones, and joints, improving flexibility and reducing the risk of injuries. It also plays a vital role in managing weight by burning calories and increasing metabolism. Moreover, exercise boosts cardiovascular health by enhancing heart function, lowering blood pressure, and improving circulation. This, in turn, reduces the risk of developing chronic conditions such as heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes. Additionally, engaging in regular exercise can have significant mental health benefits, as it releases endorphins that help alleviate stress, anxiety, and depression, promoting a more positive mood and enhancing cognitive function.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

Furthermore, exercise is essential for maintaining a healthy lifestyle and increasing longevity. It supports better sleep patterns, allowing for deeper and more restorative rest, which is crucial for overall health and mental well-being. Regular physical activity also helps to improve immune function, reducing the risk of infections and illness. Beyond the physical benefits, exercise fosters a sense of discipline and perseverance, teaching individuals valuable life skills such as goal-setting, time management, and resilience. Overall, incorporating exercise into one’s routine is not only beneficial for physical health but also contributes to a happier, more fulfilling life.

Here are exercise routines tailored for various fitness levels, from beginners to experienced individuals:

Beginner Routine:

1. Warm-Up (5-10 minutes):

  • Jogging in place or brisk walking
  • Arm circles
  • Leg swings

2. Strength Training (3 times a week):

  • Bodyweight squats: 2 sets of 10 reps
  • Push-ups (can be done on knees): 2 sets of 8-10 reps
  • Dumbbell or water bottle curls: 2 sets of 10 reps
  • Planks: 2 sets of 20-30 seconds

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3. Cardiovascular Exercise (3 times a week):

  • Brisk walking or jogging: 20-30 minutes
  • Cycling or swimming: 20-30 minutes

4. Cool Down (5-10 minutes):

  • Stretching major muscle groups

Intermediate Routine:

1. Warm-Up (5-10 minutes):

  • Jumping jacks
  • Jump rope
  • Dynamic stretches

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2. Strength Training (3-4 times a week):

  • Squats: 3 sets of 10-12 reps
  • Push-ups: 3 sets of 10-12 reps
  • Dumbbell or barbell rows: 3 sets of 10-12 reps
  • Lunges: 3 sets of 10 reps per leg

3. Cardiovascular Exercise (3-4 times a week):

  • Running: 30-40 minutes
  • High-intensity interval training (HIIT): 20-25 minutes

4. Core Work (2-3 times a week):

  • Bicycle crunches: 3 sets of 15 reps
  • Russian twists: 3 sets of 15 reps
  • Planks with leg lifts: 3 sets of 30 seconds

5. Cool Down (5-10 minutes):

  • Static stretching focusing on major muscle groups

Experienced Routine:

1. Warm-Up (10-15 minutes):

  • Dynamic stretching
  • Jumping rope
  • Light cardio (jogging or cycling)

2. Strength Training (4-5 times a week):

  • Deadlifts: 4 sets of 6-8 reps
  • Bench press: 4 sets of 6-8 reps
  • Pull-ups or weighted pull-ups: 4 sets of 6-8 reps
  • Overhead press: 4 sets of 6-8 reps
  • Squats: 4 sets of 6-8 reps (some people use thigh exercise equipment in addtion to squats. Check out Amazon link

3. Cardiovascular Exercise (3-4 times a week):

  • Running or cycling: 40-60 minutes
  • HIIT: 20-30 minutes

4. Core and Flexibility (2-3 times a week):

  • Hanging leg raises: 3 sets of 12 reps
  • Plank variations (side plank, plank with leg lift): 3 sets of 30 seconds each
  • Yoga or Pilates for flexibility and core strength

5. Recovery and Mobility (1-2 times a week):

  • Foam rolling
  • Yoga for mobility and flexibility

Yoga Knee Pads Click on Amazon link

Remember to adjust the intensity and volume according to your individual fitness level and goals. Additionally, always consult with a fitness professional before starting any new exercise routine, especially if you have any underlying health concerns or injuries.

Creating a well-rounded home workout setup depends on your fitness goals, space availability, and budget. Here’s a list of versatile equipment that can enhance your at-home workouts:

  1. Dumbbells: Adjustable dumbbells are versatile and can be used for a wide range of exercises targeting various muscle groups.
  2. Resistance Bands: These are great for adding resistance to bodyweight exercises or for rehabilitation purposes. They are also easy to store and travel with.
  3. Yoga Mat: Provides cushioning and support for floor exercises, yoga, or stretching routines.
  4. Jump Rope: Excellent for cardiovascular workouts and improving coordination and agility.
  5. Kettlebell: Versatile for strength and cardio workouts, offering a variety of exercises like swings, squats, and presses.
  6. Pull-Up Bar: Ideal for upper body and core workouts, if you have a sturdy doorway or space to install it.
  7. Exercise Ball: Useful for core exercises, stability training, and improving balance.
  8. Foam Roller: Helps with recovery by massaging and releasing tight muscles.
  9. Suspension Trainer (e.g., TRX): Offers a full-body workout using your body weight for resistance and can be easily adjusted for different fitness levels.
  10. Adjustable Bench: Adds versatility to your workouts, enabling you to perform exercises like bench presses, step-ups, and seated rows.
  11. Barbell and Weight Plates: If you have space and budget, a barbell set allows for heavy lifting and compound movements like deadlifts, squats, and bench presses.
  12. Medicine Ball: Great for dynamic exercises like ball slams, twists, and throws, adding variety to your routine.
  13. Ankle Weights: Can add resistance to leg exercises or enhance the intensity of cardio workouts.
  14. Box or Step Platform: Useful for plyometric exercises, step-ups, and as a support for various exercises.
  15. Smart Fitness Equipment: Options like smart dumbbells, connected stationary bikes, or interactive home gyms offer guided workouts, tracking, and feedback.

Check out this Underdesk Elliptical. It’s perfect to get that quick workout in while working. Click on Amazon link for more

Remember to choose equipment based on your fitness level, preferences, and space constraints. Additionally, always prioritize safety and proper form during workouts to prevent injuries.

What is your favorite exercise routine? Please comment below. Visit my Facebook page, Just Me, for more of my articles.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

Ready for Spring & St. Patrick’s Day !!


St. Patrick’s Day is a cultural and religious holiday celebrated on March 17th each year, primarily in Ireland, but also in various other parts of the world with significant Irish populations, such as the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom. It commemorates Saint Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, and the arrival of Christianity in Ireland.

Photo by Anna Shvets on

Saint Patrick, who lived in the fifth century, is credited with bringing Christianity to Ireland and is also associated with driving snakes out of Ireland, although this is likely symbolic rather than literal. Over time, the holiday has evolved into a celebration of Irish culture and heritage, marked by parades, wearing green attire, traditional Irish music and dance, and the consumption of Irish food and drink.

In Ireland, St. Patrick’s Day has been observed as a religious holiday for centuries, with restrictions on eating and drinking lifted for the day. However, it has become a more secular celebration in recent times, with festivities that include parades, concerts, and fireworks.

In other parts of the world, particularly in places with large Irish immigrant populations, St. Patrick’s Day is often celebrated with enthusiasm, featuring parades, parties, and various cultural events. It has become a symbol of Irish identity and pride, even for those who may not have direct Irish ancestry.

Check out St. Patrick’s Day Craftivities at


St. Patrick’s Day, celebrated on March 17th, is a lively and festive occasion in the United States, marked by various traditions and customs.

Here’s how it’s typically celebrated and what’s often taught in schools:

  1. Parades: Many cities across the U.S., particularly those with large Irish-American populations like Boston, New York, and Chicago, hold St. Patrick’s Day parades. These parades often feature elaborate floats, marching bands, bagpipers, dancers, and various community groups.
  2. Wearing green: One of the most well-known traditions associated with St. Patrick’s Day is wearing green clothing or accessories. People often dress entirely in green, including hats, shirts, socks, and even face paint. Those who don’t wear green might get “pinched” as a playful tradition.
  3. Decorations: Homes, businesses, and public spaces are often decorated with shamrocks, leprechauns, pots of gold, and other symbols associated with Ireland and St. Patrick’s Day.
  4. Irish food and drink: Traditional Irish dishes like corned beef and cabbage, Irish soda bread, and shepherd’s pie are popular menu items for St. Patrick’s Day celebrations. Many people also enjoy Irish beverages such as Guinness stout or Irish whiskey.
  5. Celebratory events: In addition to parades, St. Patrick’s Day is often celebrated with parties, concerts, pub crawls, and other special events. These gatherings typically involve music, dancing, and lots of revelry.
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As for what is taught in schools about St. Patrick’s Day, it varies depending on the grade level and curriculum.

Here are some common topics covered:

  1. Historical background: Students may learn about the life of St. Patrick, who is credited with bringing Christianity to Ireland in the 5th century and is the patron saint of Ireland.
  2. Cultural significance: Teachers may discuss the cultural significance of St. Patrick’s Day in Ireland and how it has evolved over time, both in Ireland and among Irish immigrants in the United States.
  3. Irish heritage: St. Patrick’s Day provides an opportunity for students to learn about Irish culture, history, language, music, dance, and other aspects of Irish heritage.
  4. Symbols and traditions: Students may learn about the symbolism associated with St. Patrick’s Day, such as the shamrock (which St. Patrick is said to have used to explain the concept of the Holy Trinity) and the leprechaun (a mischievous fairy from Irish folklore).

Overall, St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated in the U.S. as a fun and festive occasion that honors Irish culture and heritage. In schools, it’s an opportunity to learn about the history, traditions, and significance of the holiday. Check out my St. Patrick’s Day Unit: Fun Craftivities & Interdisciplinary Resources. This no-prep, easy to use unit will be a hit with your class.

How do you celebrate St. Patrick’s Day?

Visit my Facebook page, Elly Elementary. Look for my St. Patrick;’s Day post and leave a comment.

Feel free to email me at

Are you ready to decorate for St. Patrick’s Day and welcome Spring?!

Photo by RDNE Stock project on

Children Love Stories with Animals

Children love reading fiction stories with animal characters in them. They find them fun and entertaining. Using animals as characters in storytelling for children adds an element of whimsy and relatability to the narrative.

Animals often possess anthropomorphic qualities that allow young readers to project their own emotions and experiences onto these characters, creating a sense of connection. Also, the use of animals can simplify complex themes and moral lessons in a way that resonates with a child’s understanding, making the story both entertaining and educational.

The imaginative nature of animal characters also opens up possibilities for vibrant and visually stimulating illustrations, enhancing the overall appeal of the narrative. Ultimately, incorporating animals into children’s stories provides a delightful and engaging avenue for conveying important messages while captivating young minds with the wonders of storytelling.

These animal books show:

  • Imagination and Creativity: Animal characters often possess human-like qualities, allowing children to use their imagination and creativity to picture the animals engaging in various activities and adventures
  • Relatability: Animals in stories may exhibit emotions, challenges, and experiences that children can relate to. This relatability helps children connect with the characters and the story on a personal level
  • Values: Many animal-themed stories convey important life lessons and values such as friendship, kindness, perseverance, and empathy. Children learn these values through the experiences of the animal characters.
  • Visual Appeal: Illustrated books with colorful and appealing animal characters can capture a child’s attention. The visual elements enhance the overall reading experience and make the stories more engaging.
  • A Sense of Wonder: Animals often evoke a sense of wonder and fascination in children. Fictional stories featuring animals can transport children to magical and fantastical worlds, sparking their curiosity and sense of adventure.
  • Non-Threatening Exploration: Animals provide a safe and non-threatening way for children to explore various themes and emotions. They can navigate complex topics through the lens of animal characters, making it easier for children to understand and process.
  • Entertainment: Animal characters can be humorous, mischievous, or endearing, providing entertainment for children. Enjoying the antics and adventures of fictional animals can make reading a fun and enjoyable activity.

The combination of imagination, relatability, moral lessons, visual appeal, wonder, non-threatening exploration, and entertainment makes fiction stories with animal characters highly appealing to children.

There are many books to choose from when trying to introduce animal characters to children. Most of these books teach children lessons and the characters are adorable as well as memorable. Check out my store, Elly Elementary, for resources to use with some of these wonderful stories.

There are many wonderful animal-themed chapter books for children that are both entertaining and educational. Here are some favorites:

Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White: A classic tale about the friendship between a pig named Wilbur and a spider named Charlotte.

Don’t Need Friends by Carolyn Crimi: Rat decides to be a recluse when his best friend, Possum, moves away. This adorable tale shows how he becomes friends with another recluse, Dog.

The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame: Follow the adventures of Mole, Ratty, Toad, and Badger in this timeless story set in the English countryside.

The Tale of Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter: A charming story about a mischievous rabbit and his adventures in Mr. McGregor’s garden.

The Mouse and the Motorcycle by Beverly Cleary: A delightful tale about a mouse named Ralph who befriends a boy and discovers the joy of riding a toy motorcycle.

Stuart Little by E.B. White: The story of a mouse born to a human family and his adventures in the big world.

The Adventures of Hoppy, Skipper, and Felix /  The Adventures of Piky, Matisse and Betty. Both by Ambra Mills: These animal chapter books are new and take animals on adventures through the forest and they learn about friendship along the way

Stellaluna by Jannell Cannon: This is the story of Stellaluna, a bat, who is raised by a family of birds when abandoned by her mother.

These books (and there are so many more), offer a mix of heartwarming stories, adventurous plots, and valuable life lessons, making them great choices for young readers.

In my store, Elly Elementary, I have resources for many animal books to share with your class. These fun activities will add a new dimension to your readalouds with graphic organizers, reading comprehension, writing and interdisciplinary curriculum challenges.

Please feel free to comment below with your favorite animal children’s book and visit my Facebook page,

. Also, feel free to email me if you need resources or want to share any ideas, at

A Bit About Me:

My name is Elly and I am a retired educator with over 25 years of experience. In all the years that I taught Grades K-5, I gathered many resources that took me hours to create. I decided to share them on my own site, Elly Elementary, as well as on other teacher sites such as TeachersPayTeachers, MadebyTeachers, AmpedUpLearning, and Classful.

In my retirement I enjoy taking Zumba classes, reading and enjoying my grandchildren. I hope to share all my knowledge with them while having the best time. Currently, I am working on a children’s book and hope to continue to contribute to the excitement of learning for children. I hope that you continue to enjoy reading children’s books and enjoying the wonder of childhood as you go on new adventures.

Will You Be My Valentine?

Valentine’s Day is celebrated as a day of love and affection between intimate companions. Typically observed on February 14th, people express their feelings through various romantic gestures such as exchanging cards, flowers, and gifts. Many couples enjoy special meals or outings together, creating memorable moments. The day is also marked by the widespread display of symbols like hearts and Cupid, emphasizing the romantic theme. Some individuals may choose to write heartfelt notes or letters to their significant others, while others might plan surprise events or activities to make the day extra special. Overall, Valentine’s Day is a time for expressing love and appreciation in a variety of personal and meaningful ways.

Photo by Ylanite Koppens on

Gifts for Women

Choosing the perfect Valentine’s Day gift for women often involves considering their individual preferences and interests. While some may appreciate classic romantic gestures such as flowers, chocolates, or a heartfelt handwritten note, others might prefer more personalized gifts that reflect their hobbies or favorite activities. Jewelry, spa treatments, or a thoughtful experience, like a weekend getaway or a special dinner, can also be delightful options. Ultimately, the key is to show thoughtfulness and consideration, aiming for a gift that resonates with the recipient’s unique tastes and creates a memorable and meaningful celebration of love.

Here are some suggestions:

Austrian Crystal Round Drop Earrings for Women 14K Gold Plated Hypoallergenic Leverback Hoop Earrings

Click on Amazon link:

Gihuo Valentine Heart Sweater for Women Cute Kawaii Casual Crewneck Long Sleeve Knitted Pullover Sweaters

Click on Amazon link:

Kendra Scott Ari Heart Adjustable Length Pendant Necklace for Women, Fashion Jewelry

Click on Amazon link:

Gifts for Men

Choosing the perfect Valentine’s Day gift for men can vary based on individual preferences, but popular options often include thoughtful and personalized items. Many men appreciate practical gifts that align with their interests, such as gadgets, tools, or accessories related to hobbies like sports, gaming, or outdoor activities. Personalized gifts, such as custom-made items or experiences tailored to their tastes, can also be meaningful. Some may enjoy receiving grooming products or stylish accessories, while others may prefer a romantic gesture like a handwritten love letter or a surprise date night. Ultimately, understanding the unique preferences and interests of the individual can guide the selection of a thoughtful and memorable Valentine’s Day gift for men.

Drive Safe Keychain for Boyfriend – Drive Safe Handsome I Need You Here With Me Keyring Birthday Valentine’s Day Gifts for Him Boyfriend Husband Gifts

Click on Amazon link:

Wood Phone Docking Station – Nightstand Charging Organizer and Cell Phone Stand – Bedside Gift for Men

Click on Amazon link:

UNGENT THEM Mens Natural Stone Adjustable Bracelet for Men, Anniversary Birthday Christmas Graduation Gift for Him, Son, Brother, Husband, Boyfriend…

Click on Amazon link:


Plan a romantic Valentine’s date night by starting with a cozy dinner at a charming restaurant, preferably one with dim lighting and a menu of delectable dishes. Share intimate conversations over candlelight, savoring each bite together. Afterward, take a moonlit stroll in a picturesque park or along the beach, hand in hand. Consider ending the evening with a sweet touch, like indulging in a dessert tasting or sharing a box of gourmet chocolates. Alternatively, create a cozy atmosphere at home with a homemade dinner, soft music, and a movie marathon featuring your favorite romantic films. Exchange thoughtful gifts and perhaps write heartfelt notes to express your love. Whichever you choose, the key is to focus on creating meaningful moments that celebrate your connection and make the night truly special.

It’s a Date!,40 Fun and Romantic Scratch Off Date Ideas for Him, Her, Girlfriend, Boyfriend, Wife, or Husband, Perfect for Date Night, Special Couples Gift for Valentine’s Day, Birthdays,

Click on Amazon link:


Valentine’s Day, celebrated on February 14th, has its origins rooted in both ancient Roman and Christian traditions. The day is named after St. Valentine, a Christian martyr who lived during the Roman Empire. There are various legends surrounding St. Valentine, but one popular story suggests that he defied Emperor Claudius II’s decree prohibiting marriages for young men, as he believed single men made better soldiers. St. Valentine continued to perform marriages in secret, ultimately leading to his arrest and execution. Over time, the celebration of Valentine’s Day became associated with love and romance, evolving from a blend of Christian and Roman customs. In the Middle Ages, the day gained additional romantic connotations, with poets and writers expressing affection through love notes and verses. Today, Valentine’s Day is widely celebrated across the globe, marked by the exchange of cards, flowers, and tokens of love between partners and friends.

However you choose to spend Valentine’s Day, a special date night or a night at home, remember to care for those we love every day — not just on Valentine’s Day!!

Photo by Alex Green on

Healthy Eating Challenges As We Age

Aging brings us new challenges.

We now have to be more concerned about heart health, avoiding diabetes and so much more. Healthy eating with good exercise choices (based on our ability to move) become more of a challenge.

Photo by Mikhail Nilov on

As individuals age, they may face various challenges related to maintaining a healthy diet. Some common healthy eating challenges for older adults include:

  1. Nutrient Deficiency: Older adults may experience a decline in appetite, leading to reduced food intake. This can result in nutrient deficiencies, such as vitamins B12 and D, calcium, and iron.
  2. Digestive Issues: Aging can lead to changes in digestion, including decreased stomach acid production and slower digestion. This may affect nutrient absorption and lead to digestive discomfort.
  3. Dental Problems: Dental issues, such as tooth loss or oral pain, can make it difficult for older adults to chew certain foods. This may limit their food choices and impact overall nutrition.
  4. Medication Interactions: Many older adults take medications that can affect appetite, taste perception, or nutrient absorption. Some medications may also interact with certain foods, influencing dietary choices.
  5. Chronic Health Conditions: Individuals with chronic conditions like diabetes, heart disease, or osteoporosis may need specific dietary adjustments. Managing these conditions through diet becomes crucial but can be challenging.
  6. Social Isolation: Older adults may face social isolation, leading to changes in eating habits. Cooking for one may be less motivating, and there may be a tendency to choose convenience over nutrition.
  7. Decreased Muscle Mass: Aging is often associated with a decline in muscle mass. Adequate protein intake becomes important to maintain muscle health, but challenges in preparing protein-rich meals may arise.
  8. Changes in Metabolism: Metabolic rate tends to decrease with age, affecting calorie needs. Adjusting portion sizes and choosing nutrient-dense foods become important to meet nutritional requirements without excess calorie intake.
  9. Limited Mobility: Physical limitations may make it challenging for older adults to shop for groceries or prepare meals. This can impact their ability to access a variety of fresh and healthy foods.
  10. Cognitive Decline: Cognitive changes may affect the ability to plan and prepare meals. Forgetfulness or confusion can lead to irregular eating patterns or reliance on convenient but less nutritious options.

Addressing these challenges often involves adapting dietary habits, considering individual health needs, and seeking support from healthcare professionals or nutritionists to ensure a well-balanced and nutritious diet.

Check out my ebook, for more detailed infomation.


What ways do you deal with Health issues and how do you adjust your eating habits and exercise regimen?

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on


Mindfulness is a mental state characterized by a heightened awareness and attention to one’s thoughts, feelings, sensations, and surroundings in the present moment. It involves cultivating a non-judgmental and accepting attitude towards these experiences. The practice of mindfulness is often associated with meditation and draws inspiration from ancient contemplative traditions, particularly Buddhist meditation techniques.

Photo by Elina Fairytale on

Key elements of mindfulness include:

  1. Present Moment Awareness: Mindfulness emphasizes focusing on the current moment, acknowledging thoughts and sensations without dwelling on the past or anticipating the future.
  2. Non-Judgmental Observation: Practitioners aim to observe their thoughts and feelings without passing judgment. This involves accepting experiences without labeling them as “good” or “bad.”
  3. Mindful Breathing: A common technique in mindfulness involves paying attention to the breath. This helps anchor awareness to the present moment and promotes a sense of calm.
  4. Body Scan: Another technique involves systematically scanning and paying attention to different parts of the body, cultivating awareness of physical sensations.
  5. Acceptance: Mindfulness encourages acceptance of one’s thoughts and feelings rather than trying to change or suppress them. This acceptance is a key aspect of reducing stress and promoting overall well-being.

Mindfulness has been incorporated into various therapeutic approaches, such as Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), which aim to enhance mental health and well-being. Additionally, mindfulness practices are often employed in corporate settings, educational institutions, and everyday life to improve focus, reduce stress, and enhance overall cognitive and emotional well-being.

Check out my latest Ebook: STAYIN’ YOUNG: THE ART OF MINDFULNESS

Hope you enjoyed learning about mindfulness and will check out my ebook. Feel free to comment below or email me at healtheliving713@egallagher713.

Deep breathing….. less stress…. good goal for the New Year.

Photo by Felipe Borges on

Tech Up for the Holidays

While you are shopping for all the best gifts this holiday season, get all your tech stuff in order. Think about what you still need, your parents need, your children need and so on. There is so much to choose from so be sure to look for the best buys.

Smartphone Cases

Personally, I prefer the phone cases with a card holder. Then I can just grab my phone to go shopping, go the gym, or go pick up the kids. Convenient and often a life saver. Check out the Iphone 14 cover with card case with this Amazon link

Portable Speaker for Outdoor and Home 

What better to have outside while entertaining or in the shower but a portable speaker so you can listen to your favorite music or podcast wherever you are. Check it out with this Amazon link

Echo Show 8

What a great present! For the music fanatic, recipe collector or photo afficionado this is the perfect Echo with its own screen. What a great way to follow a recipe or look at pictures while relaxing. Check it out with this Amazon link:

Or if you prefer, check out the Google Nest version which also can be connected with your Google Home package. Check it out via this Amazon link

Bluetooth Speaker with Phone Wireless Charging Phone Stand

What a perfect gift for that Tech Nerd who has it all and wants everything new. Reasonably priced and a perfect extra gift for your special someone. Click on this Amazon link to order:

And, of course, don’t forget to add one of these in for yourself. You keep putting it off but with all the sales, getting an extra for yourself is a great idea!

Let me know which is your favorite “tech gift”.

Happy Holidays!!!

Photo by Hert Niks on

Don’t Forget the Stocking Stuffers

What does your family do for Stocking Stuffers? Is it a tradition every year?

Photo by Goran Grudiu0107 on

Stocking stuffers play a special and delightful role in the Christmas tradition. Here are several reasons why they are considered important:

  1. Surprise and Excitement:
    • Stocking stuffers are often small and wrapped, adding an element of surprise and excitement to Christmas morning. The anticipation of discovering what’s inside the stockings can bring joy and smiles to both children and adults.
  2. Tradition and Ritual:
    • Including stocking stuffers is a longstanding tradition in many households. It adds to the overall ritual of Christmas morning, creating a sense of continuity and shared experience.
  3. Thoughtful Tokens:
    • Stocking stuffers provide an opportunity to give thoughtful and personalized gifts that may not be suitable for placing under the tree. These small, often inexpensive items can convey a lot of meaning and care.
  4. Variety and Fun:
    • Stocking stuffers come in a wide range of items, from small toys and gadgets to candies and practical items. This variety adds an extra layer of fun and entertainment to the gift-giving experience.
  5. Affordability:
    • Since stocking stuffers are typically small, they can be more budget-friendly than larger gifts. This allows individuals to include a diverse range of items without breaking the bank.
  6. Small Tokens of Affection:
    • Stocking stuffers are an excellent way to express love, appreciation, and affection through small tokens. These can be simple yet meaningful items that show you know and understand the recipient’s preferences.
  7. Keepsake and Memory-Maker:
    • Some stocking stuffers, like ornaments, small trinkets, or personalized items, can become keepsakes that hold sentimental value. They contribute to the creation of lasting memories associated with the holiday season.
  8. Filling the Stocking Tradition:
    • The tradition of “filling the stocking” is a festive and playful aspect of Christmas. It adds an extra layer of magic to the holiday celebration, especially for children who wake up to find their stockings filled with surprises.
  9. Adding to the Gift-Giving Experience:
    • Stocking stuffers complement larger, more significant gifts under the Christmas tree.
    • They enhance the overall gift-giving experience by providing an assortment of surprises that cater to different interests and preferences.
Photo by Element5 Digital on

Some Ideas for Women:

Portable Cordless Heating Pad, Heating Pad for Back Pain with 3 Heat Levels and 3 Vibration Massage Modes, Portable Electric Fast Heating Belly Wrap Belt for Women and Girl(Pink) Click Amazon link here:

Burt’s Bees Shimmer Lip Tint Stocking Stuffers Set, Tinted Lip Balm Stick, Moisturizing for All Day Hydration with Natural Glowy Pigmented Finish & Buildable Color, Champagne (4-Pack) Click Amazon link here:

Eyebrow Tweezer Set for Women, TsMADDTs 6 Pcs Precision Tweezers Set for Eyebrows with Curved Scissors for Ingrown Hair, Hair Plucking Daily Beauty Tools with Leather Travel Case. Click on this Amazon link:

Kitsch Spiral Hair Ties for Women – Waterproof Ponytail Holders for Teens | Stylish Phone Cord Hair Ties & Hair Coils for Girls | Coil Hair Ties for Thick Hair & Thin Hair, 8 Pcs. Click Amazon Link for special deal:

Suggestions for Men:

WEARXI Stocking Stuffers Gifts for Men, Electric Lighter, Mens Gifts for Christmas, Birthday Gifts for Dad, Unique Gifts Cool Gadgets for Men Dad, Gifts for Men Who Have Everything, Camping Essentials. Click this Amazon link:

NIVEA Men Creme – Multipurpose Cream for Men – Face, hand and Body Lotion. Click Amazon link

Likeny Beard Bib Beard Apron Gifts for Men Click Amazon link:

Stocking Stuffers for Kids:

Scented Butter Slime 3 Pack, Stretchy and Non-Sticky Slime for Kids Slime Party Favors, Christmas Stocking Stuffers, Goodie Bag Stuffers, Girls Boys. Click on this Amazon link:

Newcrave Pop Fidget Tubes Toys, Sensory Fidget Toys for Toddlers, LED Pop Tubes for Toddlers 1-3, Cute Animal Sensory Toys for 2 3 4 5 6 Year Old Boy Girl, Stress Relief Sound Spring Deformation Toys. Click Amazon link:

Skillmatics Card Game – Guess in 10 Animal Planet, Perfect for Boys, Girls, Kids, and Families Who Love Board Games Educational Toys, Travel Friendly, Stocking Stuffer, Gifts Ages 6, 7, 8, 9. Click Amazon link:

In summary, stocking stuffers are not just small gifts; they contribute to the joy, surprise, and tradition that make Christmas a special and memorable time for many people. What are your favorite stocking stuffers? Do you share stocking stuffer with your family on Christmas?

Check out my facebook page for more Gift Ideas this Holiday Season:

Just Me

Setting the Perfect Thanksgiving Table

Setting the perfect Thanksgiving table is a delightful blend of creativity and tradition, a harmonious marriage of aesthetics and functionality. The foundation of any well-set Thanksgiving table is a beautifully clean and polished tablecloth, preferably in warm, autumnal shades like deep burgundy, rich gold, or earthy brown. To add an extra layer of elegance, consider using a table runner in a contrasting color to create visual interest.

Photo by RDNE Stock project on

Next, set the stage with carefully chosen dinnerware and cutlery. Classic white plates provide a timeless backdrop for the star of the show, the Thanksgiving feast. Complement these with polished silverware and crystal glasses to reflect the soft candlelight.

Tableware can be beautiful and disposable. Check out these beautiful pieces that make hostessing so much easier….

Click on this Amazon link

These cards can be used for name tags at table or with menu printed on it. Click on Amazon link

The centerpiece is where you can truly let your creativity shine. A bountiful cornucopia, a stunning floral arrangement in warm, seasonal hues, or even a cluster of gourds and candles can all serve as eye-catching focal points. Enhance the ambiance with softly flickering candles strategically placed along the table’s length, casting a warm and inviting glow. This beautiful centerpiece can be rearranged in many different ways and used for years to come.

Click on Amazon link

Personalized place cards or elegant name tags can add a thoughtful touch and help your guests find their designated spots.

Check out these name tag holders which can be used over and over again.

Click on Amazon link for more info

Finally, don’t forget the little details, like folded napkins in decorative napkin rings or an understated runner of fresh greenery. With careful attention to detail and a keen eye for aesthetics, you can set the perfect Thanksgiving table that will not only showcase your culinary masterpieces but also create a warm and inviting atmosphere for your loved ones to gather and give thanks.

Click on Amazon link

Creating the perfect Thanksgiving table involves a combination of aesthetics, functionality, and a warm, inviting atmosphere. Here are some suggestions to help you set the stage for a memorable Thanksgiving celebration: Include candles in your centerpiece or along the table to create a warm, inviting ambiance. Be sure to use unscented candles to avoid conflicting with the aroma of your meal.

Click on Amazon link

Consider adding some fun Thanksgiving-themed games or activities to keep guests entertained after the meal.Check out this game. Friendsgiving. Click on Amazon link.

Remember that the perfect Thanksgiving table is one that reflects your personal style and makes your guests feel welcome and appreciated. Tailor these suggestions to your taste and preferences to create a truly memorable Thanksgiving gathering.

Photo by Karolina Grabowska on

What do you put on your Thanksgiving table to make it special?